How to Solve a Rubik's Cube – A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Solve a Rubik's Cube – A Step-by-Step Guide

The Rubik’s Cube, a classic 3D puzzle, can be solved with a systematic approach. This guide will walk you through the steps to solve a standard 3x3 Rubik’s Cube using common algorithms and techniques. how-to-solve-a-rubik's-cube.webp

Understanding the Cube

Before starting, it’s essential to understand the cube’s structure:

  • Faces: The cube has six faces, each with a different color.
  • Pieces: There are three types of pieces: center pieces (one per face), edge pieces (two colors), and corner pieces (three colors).


To follow the algorithms, you need to know the notation for the cube’s movements:

  • R: Rotate the right face clockwise.
  • R’: Rotate the right face counterclockwise.
  • L: Rotate the left face clockwise.
  • L’: Rotate the left face counterclockwise.
  • U: Rotate the top face clockwise.
  • U’: Rotate the top face counterclockwise.
  • D: Rotate the bottom face clockwise.
  • D’: Rotate the bottom face counterclockwise.
  • F: Rotate the front face clockwise.
  • F’: Rotate the front face counterclockwise.
  • B: Rotate the back face clockwise.
  • B’: Rotate the back face counterclockwise.

Step-by-Step Solution


Step 1: Solve the White Cross

  1. Find the White Center: Start by locating the white center piece.
  2. Align Edges with Centers: Position the white edge pieces to form a cross. Align each white edge piece with the corresponding center piece on the adjacent faces.

Step 2: Solve the White Corners

  1. Locate the White Corners: Find the white corner pieces.
  2. Position the Corners: Use the algorithm R U R’ U’ to position the white corner pieces in the correct place.

Step 3: Solve the Middle Layer Edges

  1. Locate the Edge Pieces: Find the edge pieces that belong in the middle layer (these do not contain white).
  2. Use the Algorithms:
    • For edges moving to the left: U’ L’ U L U F U’ F’
    • For edges moving to the right: U R U’ R’ U’ F’ U F

Step 4: Solve the Yellow Cross

  1. Position Yellow Edges: Use the algorithm F R U R’ U’ F’ to position the yellow edge pieces correctly.
  2. Form the Yellow Cross: Ensure the yellow edges form a cross on the top face.

Step 5: Position the Yellow Corners

  1. Position Corners: Use the algorithm U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L to position the yellow corner pieces correctly without necessarily orienting them.

Step 6: Orient the Yellow Corners

  1. Orient Corners: Use the algorithm R U R’ U R U2 R’ to orient the yellow corners so that the yellow face is complete.

Step 7: Position the Final Layer Edges

  1. Position Edges: Use the algorithm F2 U L R’ F2 L’ R U F2 to position the edge pieces of the final layer correctly.

Practice and Patience

Solving a Rubik’s Cube requires practice and patience. Familiarize yourself with the algorithms and practice them regularly. With time, you’ll be able to solve the cube more efficiently. how-to-solve-a-rubik's-cube-3.webp


Solving a Rubik’s Cube involves understanding its structure, learning the notation, and following a systematic approach. By practicing the algorithms provided in this guide, you can master the art of solving the Rubik’s Cube.